Online courses

Online Courses

Parenting is HARD!

One of the biggest disservices that parents make to themselves is feeling like they always have to have an answer to everything.  Reaching out for help doesn't make you a bad parent - on the contrary, it all but guarantees your role in being a wonderful parent to your children.  

We cover all you need to know about parenting through our 8 course series held weekly in Vietnamese and in English.  After this series, parents will learn how to be a positive model and leader for your children, to implement rules, rewards and consequences effectively and to be a team with your partners in parenting. Children will learn how to feel good about themselves and grow into confident individuals, to communicate with parents in an effective and respectful way about their own feelings, thoughts, needs and wants and to cooperate with parents. Family will learn to solve problems together through open and effective communication skills. Click here to sign up or scroll down to learn more.

What if I don't have the time?

One of my favorite sayings goes like this: "Take the time to do it right the first time." No, this doesn't mean that you're expected to have all the answers the first time around, but it does mean that the time and energy your put in now will free up more time and energy for actually bonding positively with your kids. I do my best to make class fun and interactive, but I also understand if you can't make it to every class.  If you really can't make it, don't worry - there will be handouts sent out covering the material for that week. 


It's highly recommended that you participate and stay engaged in this course in order to get the full benefit of this package.  You can download the zoom app and get it on your phone, allowing you to work with us from the comfort of your home and with your family.  We work in things however we can.

Private Facebook Group

We also have a private Facebook Group (not to be confused with the public one) gives you a safe place to share triumphs and tribulations, review the handouts, to ask questions and to connect with other parents.

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Family Wellness Course

Each week we cover a different topic:

 1. Map for Healthy Families
2. Parents as leaders in healthy families
3. Parents as models in healthy families
4. Children in healthy families
5. Adult relationships in healthy families
6. As children grow: change in families
7. Solving problems in healthy families
8. Values: preparing your child for life

🎯 Participants will learn to:
-develop a stronger sense of self
-connect with others in positive ways

🎯 The family will learn to:
-communicate more effectively
-solve problems together

🎯 Parents will learn how to:
-be a positive model & leader for children
-implement rules, rewards and consequences effectively
-be a team in parenting

🎯 Children will learn how to:
-feel good about themselves
-communicate with their parents effectively
-cooperate with others in the family

Sign up for this course

Let's Talk

The first step in coaching is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.

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